and this song of mine in 3/4 time…

for me the best part of Christmas is looking forward. 

Harry Connick Jr. 

Snow covered streets, a blanket of hope.

Being around with those that love you and that you love.

Turkey Stuffing with gravy

Cold wooden floors

Pajamas and thick warm socks

Sleeping dogs and cats

Cinnamon, Sage, and Clove.

inspired song lyrics –“but the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be, on your own front door.”

a remarkable feeling of warmth and pleasantness that radiates entirely from within. 

Christmas, is the one redemption of religion.  Mankind’s love and compassion and it’s capacity for good are represented as Christ and we exalt and praise these traits and ideals.  What we could be, what we strive to be, and we sing our praises, our worship. We are the Christ and the worshiper.

Take a moment and really listen to Handel’s Hallelujah chorus from his messiah.  I’ve heard 3 or 4 versions of this over the last couple of weeks and my favorite has to be this one, delivered in a food court next to an Arby’s.  Listen to the complete absence of ego as replaced with inspired reverence for mans potential.  Pure reverence for our capacity to be good.

Jesu – Joy of Man’s Desiring.

It’s not just the music or the voices or the surprise of the flash mob, it’s the recitation “Hallelujah”,  the highest possible praise presented as plea and  testimony.

    • wife
    • January 7th, 2011

    flash mobs are creepy

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